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Playing the Pitts

Posted on September 10th, 2012 by administrator

Illusion of Joy is scheduled to play in the Pitts for two upcoming performances. The first will be a local Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania show, opening for Hellblinki and Patricia Wake on Tuesday, September 25th at The Garfield Artworks. The second occurs in New England – specifically Pittsfield, Massachusetts at Chameleons Nightclub on Friday, October 19th. This is a big show where headliners Frenchy & the Punk will be joined not only by Illusion of Joy but also Vi, Era Noctura and Forever Autumn.

Need directions? Have directions (click on the name of the venue to load the desired map):

Date City Venue
Tuesday, September 25th Pittsburgh, PA The Garfield Artworks
Friday, October 19th Pittsfield, MA Chameleons Nightclub